Nurgle - Seashore Bases

I just finished painting up the bases for my first two Putrid Blightkings. Since I'm going to use the same recipe every time I do one of these, I decided to make a separate for them just so that I have the full list of paints in one place. Note that these will still have water effects applied to them and I will make a dedicated post just for that as well.

If you're interested in how I built these bases, you can find a step by step guide here.


  • Citadel Chaos Black - I usually use Mechanicus Standard Grey as a primer, but wanted to try something new this time around. although I think a grey primer is nicer to paint over, I did notice that the chaos black gave a smoother result for me. So I will most likely use this in the future


  • Citadel Eshin Grey, Vallejo Game Black 9:1 – Basecoat
  • Citadel Mechanicus Standard Grey – Dry brush
  • Citadel Administratum Grey - Dry brush
  • Citadel Nuln Oil/Athonian Camoshade – Shade – Start with laying down the Nuln Oil and then apply Athonian Camoshade on some random parts while the Nuln Oil is still wet.
  • Citadel Administratum Grey - Dry brush
  • Vallejo Game Stonewall Grey – Dry brush
  • Citadel Athonian Camoshade/Lahmian Medium 1:1 – this is to create a water line. I draw a line on the middle of the rocks where i want it to start and then gradually applying more shade, leaving it lighter on the bottom of the rocks and more concentrated where the waterline starts.
  • Citadel Ushabti Bone – Layer - I glaze/layer this on the top of the water line doing exactly like we did with the shade but reverse. Keeping it concentrated where the line is and fading it out upwards.

Sand (above water)

  • Citadel Zandri Dust – Base coat
  • Citadel Ushabti Bone – Dry brush
  • Citadel Agrax Earthshade – Shade
  • Citadel Ushabti Bone – Dry brush

Sand (under water water)

  • Citadel Zandri Dust – Base coat
  • Citadel Ushabti Bone – Dry brush
  • Vallejo Game Electric Blue/Citadel  Lahmian Medium – I mix a really thin wash of Electric Blue, medium and water that I apply all over the area. If there's a skull in the sand I apply it over that too.
  • Citadel  Guilliman Blue/Lahmian Medium 1:2 – This is our second wash, I apply it in the same fashion as the previous one, but now only on about 70% of the area, leaving some of the sand closest to the rocks. I go over the area a couple of times covering less and less.
  • Citadel Guilliman Blue/Lahmian Medium/Nuln oil – Same thing as before but leaving more in the middle. This is also applied two to three times.
  • Citadel  Lahmian Medium/Nuln oil 1:1 – This is only applied at the vary edges to make the sand closest to the rim complete dark.
  • Citadel  Ushabti Bone – Dry brush – Only applying this to the area closest to the stones.


  • Vallejo Game Bronze Fleshtone – Base coat
  • Citadel Carroburg Crimson – Shade (might want to apply this two times)
  • Citadel Ushabti Bone – Highlight (mostly applying this on the edges)


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