Nurgle - Seashore Bases
I just finished painting up the bases for my first two Putrid Blightkings. Since I'm going to use the same recipe every time I do one of these, I decided to make a separate for them just so that I have the full list of paints in one place. Note that these will still have water effects applied to them and I will make a dedicated post just for that as well. If you're interested in how I built these bases, you can find a step by step guide here. Primer Citadel Chaos Black - I usually use Mechanicus Standard Grey as a primer, but wanted to try something new this time around. although I think a grey primer is nicer to paint over, I did notice that the chaos black gave a smoother result for me. So I will most likely use this in the future Rocks Citadel Eshin Grey, Vallejo Game Black 9:1 – Basecoat Citadel Mechanicus Standard Grey – Dry brush Citadel Administratum Grey - Dry brush Citadel Nuln Oil/Athoni...