Painting Fyreslayers - Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire

This is my second set of models that I've manage to finish and i must say that I really enjoyed painting these guys! First of all, the models look amazing and there are almost no tricky spots to paint. Secondly, the size of the warband is just perfect. With my previous project I often had the feeling of being overwhelmed, this did not happen with these four lads. Sure.. the closer you get to the finish line the more eager you become to just wrap it up and continue with your life, no matter the size of the project. I for example got a bit lazy with the bases on these models, and I did not paint eyes as they were very small and after a several tries I decided to skip it. But besides that, the small size of the warband allowed me to always have a clear sight on the end goal and I didn't have to paint for too long sessions to achieve progression.

For the paint scheme I pretty much went with what they list in the tutorial on warhammer Tv, but with a few exceptions. I wanted a paler skin tone then they had, so I went with the same paints as I used on my ogres. For the fabric they painted it all black, but I felt that some of the details would get lost by doing that, so I went with red for the larger areas and black for details. The blue parts on the weapons is also something I wanted to add just to get a cold color in there to contrast against all the orange. I probably should have painted this up as a crystal-like material using regular paints, but I wanted to see what just glazing ink over a metal color would give me.

Over all I'm happy with the result that I got with these models. I learned a ton and I will definitely continue to paint more warbands. Who knows.. maybe we have enough warbands for a full game of Warhammer Underworlds before we know it.


Corax White

Bugmans Glow (Base coat)
Kislev flesh (Highlighting)
Flayed one flesh (Highlighting)
Reikland Fleshshade (Full shading)

Jokaero Orange (Base coat)
Troll Slayer Orange (Enhance the base coat - Full covarage)
Fuegan Orange - Shade (Full shading)
Carroburg Crimson - Shade (starting at the roots - about 50% covarage)
Nuln Oil - Shade (starting at the roots - about 50% of the previous shade)
Lugganath Orange (edge highlight/dry bushing if possible)
Lamenters Yellow - Glaze (full coverage)

Leather Black:
Abbadon Black (Base coat)
Eshing grey (Edge Highlights)

Leather Red:
Khorne Red (Base coat)
Nuln Oil (Full shade)
Wazdakka Red (Edge Highlights)

Led belcher (Base Coat)
Nuln Oil (Full shade)
Led belcher (Layer near edges to get back shine)
Runefang steal (Edge Highlight)

Retributor Armor (Base Coat)
Reikland Fleshshade (Full shade)
Retributor Armor (Layer near edges to get back shine)
Retributor Armor (Edge Highlight)

Glowing runes:
Korne Red (Base Coat)
Troll Slayer Orange (98%)
Yriel Yellow (96%)
White Scar (Only on extreme egdes and corners)

Zadri Dust - Base coat
Ushabti Bone - Layer
Agrax Earthshade - Full shade
Ushabti Bone - Layer
Screaming Skull - Highlight


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