
Visar inlägg från augusti, 2019

Table top terrain - Fallen statue

When I first started painting miniatures, I knew right the way that terrain was something that I wanted to try out. I wanted to make a piece that required me to sculpt with clay and a statue would suit perfectly for this. I took some inspiration from Lord of the Rings and decided on a fallen statue head. To sculpt the head I used Super Sculpey. My toolbox was fairly limited, all I used was a rubber modelling tool from FIMO and some steal wire that I twisted to make a pointy end that I could scratch and carve with. I did order a couple of dental tools to create finer details with. However the delivery was super slow and by the time I had them at my doorstep the sculpture was already done. To make the face smooth as a baby's bottom I used, well... baby oil actually. The clay is oil based, so lightly rubbing some baby oil over it smooths it up. To build up the terrain I used expandable foam as a base. It's fairly cheap and easy to get by if you live in a large c...

Painting Nighthaunt using Vallejo game colors

For my previous projects I've always been buying paints specific to the model that I'm currently painting. There's nothing wrong with this of course. In fact, this is probably the most common way to build up your paint selection. But having to research what paints you need every time you pick up a new model can be tiring and when you finally made your purchase you're kind of stuck with the colors that you bought. If you don't want to head down to the store and spend some extra cash that is. So this time, in stead of picking out colors one buy one, I decided to pull the trigger on a paint set. Up until now I've been using citadel paints, and although I'm generally not disappointed with their paints they don't really have a paint set that would cover my needs. So a brand change was needed. After scouting around for a while, I went with this basic color set from Vallejo containing 72 paints (although that includes a couple of varnishes, a...